Covalingua is a company that was founded 16 years ago by several experts in education, experts who were both American and Spanish. This company, initially created to promote the presence of communication skills between people through translation, soon realised that it should go a step further and take advantage of its expertise in education to train anyone who needed it.

Therefore today at Covalingua, teachers, educators, translators, and other communication experts join forces to ensure that the language is no longer a barrier to the development of their students.
We have only one path to achieve our goals: The definition of the highest quality services. It has never been enough for us to do things the right way, that is why we try every day to overcome ourselves and be the best at what we do.
At Covalingua we believe in education as an infallible instrument to break frontiers. That is why our only message is:
“Your Time to Open Up to the World”
Covalingua's mission is to offer a professional, practical, and comprehensive service to all those who need a linguistic solution to understand each other between two or more languages. That is why our main products include both translation solutions and language courses specialised in professional activity.
All this while always offering the highest quality to which we are accustomed.

Covalingua's vision is to become an educational benchmark in both professional and personal environments. In other words, to take our educational skills wherever they are needed.
Because we dedicate ourselves to each and every one of our projects
We want to demonstrate that Covalingua has a distinctive hallmark
Because for us this is the only way to create robust solutions
We try to make our customers believe in us as we believe in them
What makes us unique
We have an advantage when it comes to our project to meet Covalingua's educational goals. Our way of doing things.
“The Shadowing Project" methodology is a system that has been developed and fully tested by our team. This is why we offer a new kind of educational activity for professionals.
If you have not yet heard of it, maybe this is "Your Time to Open Up to the World"